For business owners, plan A doesn‘t always work out, but what should be your next step?
Franziska Iseli shares her four tips on how to conquer plan B!

01:21 Always have a Plan A

01:33 Give it your all to reach Plan A

01:48 Come up with Plan B

01:52 Kick the S#!t out of Plan B

Franziska: I would love to share with you a quote that one of my dear friends shared with me. It‘s a quote from Sheryl Sandberg who is the COO of Facebook. What she said, I‘m sort of paraphrasing her, she said that “if plan A or if option A is not available”, and I‘m going to have to swear here because this is the quote, i”f option A is not available, kick the shit out of plan B or option B.”

I really like this philosophy because sometimes in business or in life, things don‘t always go your way. There are very many movables, very many elements in life and in business that we can‘t control. We can‘t control the economy, we can‘t control the weather, we can‘t control what our competitors are doing. There are very many things we can‘t control. So sometimes, we have a plan A and it doesn‘t work. And one of our options is to get really upset about plan A not working out. But what the better option is to go for plan B and do it with all our heart in.

So my four steps are these. I‘m going to share my strategy with you and maybe you want to use it, too.

I always have a plan A. I always first and foremost go for plan A. What is my plan A? What is my perfect, ideal outcome? I always know that.

Then the second step is I give it my all to reach plan A. I go all in. I give it my all. Sometimes, it still doesn‘t work because I can‘t control the circumstances. So sometimes plan A doesn‘t work.

Then what do I do? I come up with number 3. I come up with plan B.

Then number 4, I do what Sheryl says. I kick the shizzle out of plan B.

I really love this metaphor just to help you be very flexible when it comes to running your business. You have to be because running a business is very much a rollercoaster. So when you have this flexibility and this awareness that when plan A doesn‘t work, there is always a plan B. It‘s not maybe as desirable as plan A, but there is a plan B. And if you do have a plan B, you go all in and you kick the shizzle out of it so that you‘ll feel accomplished at the end.

So if you would love to share this quote with anyone who you know right now who needs to hear this, maybe they have a plan A situation that didn‘t work out. This could be a really good moment for them to watch this metaphor, or hear about this metaphor. It might inspire them to go really hard on plan B.

As always, thank you so much for helping us make a ripple effect. This is what we‘re all about here. We love impacting people and we love seeing the difference that we get to make in people‘s lives. Hopefully, see you next time!