Christo: Hey there, guys! Just as a little marketing tip, we‘re usually always sharing. We‘re out here on the owning of our shop. If you wandering on your own, Basic Bananas Headquarters here, where we got some of our signage on the offers and that‘s why it‘s a little bit noisy.
But we‘re always sharing the lightest and greatest techie things when it comes to marketing and sometimes you don‘t want to forget good old things like signage. Advertising still works, marketing in all different forms like direct marketing, good old school stuff. Just this morning, a mate of mine, Matt Styling who owns the awesome bar & cafe, Moonlight Drive, here in Narrabeen, and he said Basic Bananas has become like a bit of a landmark. He was telling someone where some other location was around Narrabeen, he said, “you know where Basic Bananas is? It‘s around the corner..” Or something like that. But he said, “you‘ve really made a landmark.”
And this is part of signage. So don‘t be shy to kind of go for it with your signage. It‘s what we did. In my brief I wanted, the team I said as long as the offers can be seen from Mars, then you‘ve done the right thing.
So don‘t forget good old things like this because we‘re all about internet, internet, internet. It‘s good to use good old-fashioned marketing, as well. And don‘t be afraid to, you know, signage, use signage. Even those little eightfold things, whatever they‘re called. They work really well for general local businesses.
So any questions, further, feel free to post and we‘d love to look after you, of course, as well. See you in the next episode of Basic Bananas TV or check us out on the podcast and we‘ll interact with you there.