Creating a promotional plan can help you gain clarity and help you increase revenue. In this snippet from the Experience 2018 on Fitzroy Island Christo explains how to create a promotional plan for your business.

00:24 The Basic Bananas promotional plan

01:00 How to create your promotional plan


Christo: Anyone who has bought anything ever – when‘s a good time to promote something to them? So, it might be a hold down on base past customers or inquiries we never even bought.

Then we go, you know what? For us, I know for Basic Bananas, if I use ourselves as an example, a very good time of the year is December and January, like the end of the year and start of the year. Because people are like I gotta change something and I wanna know that a year round just takes so long.

So what does that tell me? It tells me these times are really good times to get new customers in at all. Get new faces, get new faces, people are looking. If these are the blight times through these months, then this is a great time to do internal promotions to past customers, people in the database, it‘s free for us. Because we already have a list of past customers.

This is just to give you an idea. Some of you have seasonal products. You want to sell weddings, you gotta be promoting weddings, so then we go, okay, it‘s typically this summer season. We want to start about 6 weeks out, so we gotta get our stuff together for promos to build up to then. The logs in the summer da da da, we got heat until then. Whereas in winter, let‘s not waste money on trying to get new faces because they‘re not buying as much, they‘re not looking as much. So we‘re going to use just doing internal for us, just not much. But some of you, it‘s not going to be seasonal at all. People are buying products and services all year. Then you just want to go, okay, cool. Where are we going to put like what? So you might go, okay, we‘re going to do a promo here for a certain offering to our whole database. So we didn‘t work backwards we just prepared. Five weeks before we‘ll start to promo for this thing like here. Then we might go we know I‘m going to piece a run off by promoting every single week. So we‘re gonna then wait until our next promo here. We do our next promo here and then we‘ll promote this here.

So we know, looking after spending regular contacts, it could be newsletter, whatever, nurturing, providing an article or just keeping people waiting in the line so we don‘t bother them too much.

Hey there, I want to give you a special invite to our annual event. The Experience Summit is coming up and the early bird promo is open right now until it‘s either sold out or until the end of January. So early bird promo where tickets are really reduced. This is our annual event where we take the best of the best from Basic Bananas, squeezing it in two days, two and a bit days. The whole team are there working with you on your business. Here we got the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing, business efficiency, productivity, the latest apps and tools we use and all of the Basic Bananas team are there working with you. We have dinner, we put on dinner and drinks and we all get to hang out and have a really good time while working on your business.

So it‘s called The Experience Summit. You‘ll find it on or just go to and it‘s on the product page. You‘ll also find a link here somewhere around the video. We‘d love to have you along. Just keep in mind early bird closes once it sells out which it has the last two times we ran it in Manly or the end of January. That‘s when tickets will be done. We‘d love to have you along. Hopefully see you there!