Christo: Hey there! In this video tip, I want to share~ well, answer a question really. “Is social media the answer to all of my marketing problems?” and the answer is ‘no’. Now, the reason I say this is because we get a lot of questions around: Can you just help me with social media? Can you just show me how to do Instagram or Facebook? And now I just want to highlight that all social media platforms are a top of the marketing funnel strategy, they’re just one ingredient in, you know, a whole lot of other kinds of architecture and ingredients that we need in place to really grow our business sustainably. There are social media I like to look at it as an attention-grabbing platform; you grab attention, and you start to engage people, and then you want to move them off the platform. So what tends to happen is it’s when they’re off the platform, that’s what we’re going to convert them to sale, we’re going to processes we’re going to have marketing funnels in place, just as a bit of an across the board stat for you. Generally, you’re doing pretty well if from your traffic to your website if around 2% of them are converting towards the sale, what’s the next step—of just all the different traffic, all these different marketing activities you do, and then it can include things like it might be Google Ads, Facebook ads, or it could be offline ads because people see an ad in a magazine, they still go on to your website. And if 2% are converting to the next step, now this highlights a massive problem. That means when people land on websites they’re not converting well enough. So the reality is if you’re pushing more traffic, let’s say you do get paid experts to do Google ads for you or to do Facebook ads, and they drive more people to a website that’s not converting, you’re just gonna waste more and this is why we hear a lot of horror stories around people setting all with paying this person this amount of money on this SEO company, you know, paying monthly, but we’re not seeing enough return you know it’s not growing, they’re getting paid no matter what, but you’re not making a profit now, it’s because of all of the rest of the process like one ingredient to bake a cake but you need six ingredients to end up with a cake, you know, so we need these other marketing funnels things like having an opt in on your website having remarketing ads set up to, you know, increase conversions that people might take time to make a decision you know people land on your website, they might take three weeks to make a decision. So, we need an opt-in to engage them and give them some information start an interaction with a remarketing ad to kind of stay in front of them as they’re going through that decision-making period, and then we need a process like ongoing touchpoints, to nurture the relationship, even if they take a year to make a decision to purchase, you’ve maintained that relationship so just want to highlight that there’s, it’s just one ingredient because we hear there’s so much emphasis on the social media channels. And they’re just one traffic source, really, to get people to move towards a sale. So I just wanted to highlight that in this video. Of course, if you want assistance with everything you know in terms of implementing everything else, get in touch with us here at, we would be more than happy to help. That’s what we do, we mentor businesses through implementing and building the marketing machines that convert, you know, much higher than the kind of average percentages, so we’d love to help you out and get in touch or check out the Marketing Blast Off workshop. If this is your first interaction with Basic Bananas, and we’ll help you out there. Bye for now.