Franziska: Hi and welcome back! I was just in the middle of preparing a keynote that I’m running tomorrow on the topic of Brand Alchemy™ — How to put together a really strong brand strategy for your business, and I thought I’ll take a quick break and share one of the key elements. In fact, one of the first elements of a really good brand strategy with you, and is to have a compelling, meaningful purpose statement in your business. And I know you may have heard about this before, maybe you even have a great purpose statement, maybe you don’t have one yet, maybe you want to refresh what you’ve got. So I thought I’d share with you a little bit how you can go about this and really quickly, let’s have a look at why this is so important. It’s important because if you have a great purpose statement it will become the foundation of all of your marketing messaging, also, if you have a great purpose statement, it will help you to feel motivated also will help your team to feel motivated, and your clients, and customers, and really, your purpose statement is meant to be used for internal branding with your teams but also external branding for your customers, stakeholders, suppliers, anyone that you work with and let me share with you now how you can go about creating a great purpose statement, including some examples and we here at Basic Bananas, and also with our Clever Bunch members, we use a really easy simple formula how you can create that. Now you may have heard of, or read somewhere about vision and mission and values now, how we like to do the purpose statement is actually blend your vision and your mission together. So create one short, succinct memorable sentence that is combining your vision and your mission. So how you do that is you use the word “by” in the middle and I’ll give you examples of how this has been done but also some that don’t use this formula that is also great. So you think about your vision, so what you want to achieve your goal and then you also think about your mission, how you’re going to achieve that and you use the word “by” in the middle. Let me show you an example here so for Basic Bananas, our goal, our vision is to help business owners to succeed wildly BY providing the best marketing mentoring on planet earth, so you can see how we’ve combined what we’re going to achieve by how we’re going to achieve that and that’s our statement; it helps business owners to succeed wildly by providing the best marketing mentoring on planet earth. I’ll give you another example here, this is from some of our members in the Clever Bunch program, one here is from a coaching business and theirs is, “to advance humanity by helping people improve their relationships.” They provide relationship coaching as you can see. Another one is from a kids fashion business, so their goal is “putting smiles on people’s faces by making adorable kids clothing,” you can see again, their goal is to put smiles on people’s faces. How they do it is by providing adorable kids clothing so this is a really great way to go about creating your purpose statement. They think about what is your goal, use the word “by” and then add how you’re going to do that. Now one more last thing I’d like to share on this is sometimes and I see this a lot with our Clever Bunch members is people think too small. They start at the~ almost like at a too unemotional level; it’s too small; so how you can get into the bigger picture, how you can think bigger, how you can think about what really is the goal, how can you make even a bigger impact, ask the question for what purpose. So we want to~ “putting people’s smiles on people’s faces,” they may have started at a much smaller level, like “we want to clothe kids, we want to give parents clothing for kids”. For what purpose? We want to make it easy for them to find the right clothes. For what purpose? We want them to love what they buy. For what purpose? We want to put smiles on people’s faces. So you can see how you can ask this question continuously, ask for what purpose, for what purpose, until you arrive at quite a big picture of what you and your business, your brand can achieve. I trust this is helpful and if it is, feel free to share this video with anyone else that would find this useful, and also make sure that you stay in touch with us. Join the community, you’re already part of it make sure you like our stuff. If you like it, leave us a review somewhere. Get in touch with us, we love hearing from you. As always, thank you for being here, and I can’t wait to share more of these tips with you that can hopefully help you to succeed wildly as a business owner. See you soon!