Franziska: I just finished one of our advisory board sessions with our members, and one of the things we discussed for one of the businesses is how to research and get into the minds of your customers, of your prospects, so that you can make sure your marketing, communication, your marketing channels, your marketing approach is relevant to your audiences.
And so what I would love to do here is share with you five questions you can ask your customers, your prospects to find out more about them and then to make sure your marketing is aligned with that and resonates with them. And you can of course, have this discussion with your customers over the phone, in person, via, uh, any communication channel that they use.
I do find that actually having a conversation with them. So over the phone or in person, depending on your business, is incredibly valuable. Incredibly valuable. So here are the five questions. Number one is around frustration. So you want to know what is the biggest frustration? So a question here is what’s your biggest frustration with.
And then insert your industry. What’s your biggest frustration with electricians or with. Insert a certain product with. With home products or with designers or whatever? What keeps you up at night? So that’s the first question is around frustration. Second question is now you want to understand their goals and desire.
So question here, second question around that is, what does success look like for you? Or what would you like in a. Inside your offering? What would you like in a consultant? What would you like in a insert? Any product that you want to sell. Number three is you want to now find out how they make decisions, how they choose a product or a service.
So here you can ask, what matters most to you when choosing a product or service like this? What matters most to you when choosing a product or service like this? Very straightforward. Number four, you want to find a little bit out about who are your competitors, what else are they looking for, or who are they checking out?
So the question here is, what alternatives did you consider, if any. Did you consider any alternatives? And if so, what are they? And the last one is just sort of a bonus question. It’s, you know, just. I like asking this question. And that one is, what would make you say this is exactly what I’ve been looking for?
What would make you say that this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I actually often ask this question when we qualify people that apply to be in our program, the clever bunch, we qualify every single person, make sure they meet the criteria so that we can help them.
And I always ask them, what would you like to get out of this program? What would make you say at the end of working together, at the end of helping you put the marketing system in place in your business, what would make you say, this is exactly what I wanted, plus more, and this will give me a really good indicator of their objectives and to make sure we can really help them.
So these are five questions you can use when researching your audiences, and you can do this at any stage in your business. Ideally, you continuously do that research. I hope this is helpful and if it is, feel free to share it with any business owner that you also want to support on this journey.
Thank you again for being here and I can’t wait to see you next time.