In this episode, the founders of Basic Bananas talk about how to grow one of  your biggest assets in your business, your database. You will discover brilliant  ideas to create an ‘opt in‘ for your prospects!

0:57 What makes a great give-away to attract more prospects

3:02 Why ebooks are not so sexy anymore

3:57 How to make your ‘opt in‘ risk-free

What is your opt in on your website? Please share below! We always love  seeing fabulous examples from our community!

PS: If you‘d like to meet Franziska or Christo in person, they are coming back  to Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Newcastle, Perth and Los Angeles  in the coming month! To find out details and book a seat (early-bird tickets  only $27)

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Franziska: Hi, and welcome back to Basic Bananas TV.

Christo: Hey, hey.

Franziska: Today we want to talk to you a little bit about how you can grow one of your biggest assets via your website. Of course, one of your biggest assets in your business is your list: your database of your customers, of prospects, of people that are interested in your business. We want to share with you today how you can actually grow that database through your website.
Of course you might have heard of something called an opt-in or a lead magnet. What it is, it‘s something on your website that captures that person that is visiting your website to then incentivise him to say, “Yeah, I want to get that zing,” whatever it is. We‘ll talk about it in a minute. “In return, I will give you my details.” You want to do this in a very non-sleazy, non-sales-y way so that it‘s actually cool.

Christo: Definitely.

Franziska: What makes a good opt-in or lead magnet?

Christo: A good opt-in is something that‘s very specific and there‘s specific benefits to it. The whole point of this is obviously to get the details of your prospects so that you can start to build a relationship and you can provide some sort of value in advance to them and to show some value so that if they are likely to choose a seller of your product or service that they‘re going to choose you. Very specific, it‘s better. If it‘s too vague, like if it says something like, “Join our mailing list,” or, “Get our newsletters,” or, “Stay up to date. Enter your email address here,” it‘s not specific enough and very few will put their details in.
Get very clear, first of all, on your target market and who you want to get the details of because then you can create something which kind of fits these guidelines, which I‘ll share, to give to them. It should be something specific. Let‘s say if you sold health or dietary advice or something like that, maybe it‘s a seven-step guide to lose weight in ten minutes a day. I‘ve told you it‘s a seven-step guide, it‘s going to take you ten minutes a day, and it‘s going to help you lose weight. It‘s very specific, whereas if it said just, “Get our health tips guide,” or something like that, it‘s not specific enough. It has to be very, very specific.
If you sell design or graphic design or some sort of interior decorating or something like that, it could be, “Learn what colors mean in business,” and, “The top seven colors in business and what that will mean to your business and mean to your clients or your prospects,” something like that. You could be very specific, or about graphic design, “What colors would mean to put into your logos,” and so on, so very specific.
Steps are good, numbers: one, two, three, four, five, five steps, six or seven steps. Generally, the odd numbers seem to work the best. Also, something that people can consume very quickly. If they can consume it in under five minutes, it‘s ideal. If it‘s too long, like it‘s a big e-book that people put their details in … They‘re kind of old-fashioned now, anyway, aren‘t they? They‘ve kind of been done.

Franziska: Yeah, I think so. They‘re not so sexy anymore.

Christo: If it‘s really good, you‘re good. However, generally in opt-in you want people to consume it as well so they start to engage with you. They start to think about you. If it‘s something they can consume in five minutes, it‘s ideal, like a video or it might be a couple of videos. It could be a checklist, it could be just tips and tricks, whatever you want to create, but something specific that they can get right away, and then you can take on, “By the way, we‘ll also keep you up to date with our latest news each month,” or, “Our latest offers,” and so on. It could be sometimes a discount or free shipping. Something like that can work as well for a first-time buyer. You could say, “Pop in your details. For a first-time buyer, we‘ll give you free shipping,” or, “A $20 voucher for a first-time buyer.”

Franziska: The last thing is you want to make it risk free, so you want to make it something that‘s low risk. What a lot of people do, especially in the consulting space, is they say you get a free consult, or you get a free hour with a consultant or a coach or whoever, and that‘s very high risk for your consumer, for your customer. It‘s like, “Oh, I‘m going to have to sit for an hour with someone?”

Christo: Sit for an hour and get sold to.

Franziska: Those things that are high risk for the end user usually don‘t work so well, so keep it very low risk. Think about how can you improve on your own update on your website if you have one. If you don‘t have one, create one. Make it specific, make it short, make it tangible, make it attractive, make it low risk, make it easy to consume. We‘d love to hear from you, actually. What are you using on your website? How are you capturing someone‘s details?

Christo: And get them instant access.

Franziska: Yeah, exactly. Instant access and how are you making it attractive. I‘d love to hear from you below. If you know someone who has a website or who runs a business who needs to hear about this and how to grow their asset, please feel free to share this video with them.

Christo: Thanks, guys.

Franziska: Thanks so much. Bye.

Christo: Bye for now.



Franziska: Hi, and welcome back to Basic Bananas TV.

Christo: Hey, hey.

Franziska: Today we want to talk to you a little bit about how you can grow one of your biggest assets via your website. Of course, one of your biggest assets in your business is your list: your database of your customers, of prospects, of people that are interested in your business. We want to share with you today how you can actually grow that database through your website.
Of course you might have heard of something called an opt-in or a lead magnet. What it is, it‘s something on your website that captures that person that is visiting your website to then incentivise him to say, “Yeah, I want to get that zing,” whatever it is. We‘ll talk about it in a minute. “In return, I will give you my details.” You want to do this in a very non-sleazy, non-sales-y way so that it‘s actually cool.

Christo: Definitely.

Franziska: What makes a good opt-in or lead magnet?

Christo: A good opt-in is something that‘s very specific and there‘s specific benefits to it. The whole point of this is obviously to get the details of your prospects so that you can start to build a relationship and you can provide some sort of value in advance to them and to show some value so that if they are likely to choose a seller of your product or service that they‘re going to choose you. Very specific, it‘s better. If it‘s too vague, like if it says something like, “Join our mailing list,” or, “Get our newsletters,” or, “Stay up to date. Enter your email address here,” it‘s not specific enough and very few will put their details in.
Get very clear, first of all, on your target market and who you want to get the details of because then you can create something which kind of fits these guidelines, which I‘ll share, to give to them. It should be something specific. Let‘s say if you sold health or dietary advice or something like that, maybe it‘s a seven-step guide to lose weight in ten minutes a day. I‘ve told you it‘s a seven-step guide, it‘s going to take you ten minutes a day, and it‘s going to help you lose weight. It‘s very specific, whereas if it said just, “Get our health tips guide,” or something like that, it‘s not specific enough. It has to be very, very specific.
If you sell design or graphic design or some sort of interior decorating or something like that, it could be, “Learn what colors mean in business,” and, “The top seven colors in business and what that will mean to your business and mean to your clients or your prospects,” something like that. You could be very specific, or about graphic design, “What colors would mean to put into your logos,” and so on, so very specific.
Steps are good, numbers: one, two, three, four, five, five steps, six or seven steps. Generally, the odd numbers seem to work the best. Also, something that people can consume very quickly. If they can consume it in under five minutes, it‘s ideal. If it‘s too long, like it‘s a big e-book that people put their details in … They‘re kind of old-fashioned now, anyway, aren‘t they? They‘ve kind of been done.

Franziska: Yeah, I think so. They‘re not so sexy anymore.

Christo: If it‘s really good, you‘re good. However, generally in opt-in you want people to consume it as well so they start to engage with you. They start to think about you. If it‘s something they can consume in five minutes, it‘s ideal, like a video or it might be a couple of videos. It could be a checklist, it could be just tips and tricks, whatever you want to create, but something specific that they can get right away, and then you can take on, “By the way, we‘ll also keep you up to date with our latest news each month,” or, “Our latest offers,” and so on. It could be sometimes a discount or free shipping. Something like that can work as well for a first-time buyer. You could say, “Pop in your details. For a first-time buyer, we‘ll give you free shipping,” or, “A $20 voucher for a first-time buyer.”

Franziska: The last thing is you want to make it risk free, so you want to make it something that‘s low risk. What a lot of people do, especially in the consulting space, is they say you get a free consult, or you get a free hour with a consultant or a coach or whoever, and that‘s very high risk for your consumer, for your customer. It‘s like, “Oh, I‘m going to have to sit for an hour with someone?”

Christo: Sit for an hour and get sold to.

Franziska: Those things that are high risk for the end user usually don‘t work so well, so keep it very low risk. Think about how can you improve on your own update on your website if you have one. If you don‘t have one, create one. Make it specific, make it short, make it tangible, make it attractive, make it low risk, make it easy to consume. We‘d love to hear from you, actually. What are you using on your website? How are you capturing someone‘s details?

Christo: And get them instant access.

Franziska: Yeah, exactly. Instant access and how are you making it attractive. I‘d love to hear from you below. If you know someone who has a website or who runs a business who needs to hear about this and how to grow their asset, please feel free to share this video with them.

Christo: Thanks, guys.

Franziska: Thanks so much. Bye.

Christo: Bye for now.