We recently sent out a survey to 15k people asking what the biggest challenges small business owners commonly have! Our goal in mind with these results was to start developing better content and resources to support you!

The question was, “What is your biggest challenge?”

The number one challenge was attracting more clients and overall marketing. The second biggest challenge was time following up with how to grow a strong team.

38% attracting clients / marketing

24% time

14% staff and team members

8% cash flow

16% other

We have tailored our upcoming Blast-off workshops content geared towards resolving these challenges! Keep your eyes out for the videos and podcasts focusing around these topics for tips and tricks!

Franziska: Hi, there. My name is Franziska.

Christo: Hey, there. My name is Christo.

Franziska: We are the founders of Basic Bananas. Recently, we did a survey, which we sent out to all of 15,000 people and we got some really great results. We basically wanted to find out what are some of the biggest challenges that small business owners have whether we can create content and really create resources for you to overcome those challenges. I wanted to quickly-

Christo: Support you as best as possible.

Franziska: Yeah, and I wanted to quickly share with you those results. It was very interesting actually. The question was, what is your biggest challenge? 38% of people said, “Attracting clients, growing a business, marketing is the number one challenge.” Then 24% side time and overwhelmed, so basically being overwhelmed and trying to keep everything together, keeping all the balls in the air juggling. The third biggest one was staff and team members, so how to grow a team. That was 14%, how to keep a team happy, etc., so those were the big three top ones.

The fourth one was cash flow, which was 8% and then the other one is just grouped together, 16%. The top three challenges are marketing, getting, clients. Number two is time and number three is team. We thought that was really insightful for us to [crosstalk 00:01:27].

Christo: You probably know this all too well yourself from your own experience, but obviously so we want a time for things to be really relevant to helping you, and to lifting you, and to making things better in your business no matter which of these challenges you might have higher or lower. What we’re doing is we’re telling everything that’s coming up in the future. We have a bunch of workshops which will be coming up, which we’ll be highlighting exactly these key areas to help you.

Basically, we want to give people that we work with or attend our events a competitive advantage in your industry so that you can prepare yourself ahead of the rest, basically. We have tailored our upcoming Blast Off to our Blast Off Workshop where the content is being tailored specifically to resolve these challenges for you, which will be coming up in all cities around Australia, also in Canada, and also … So Vancouver and Toronto, we’ll be soon in Canada as well, and also in Los Angeles when we set a date soon.

We also will have a bunch of videos and things, which we’re going to tailor coming up for you, so keep an eye on the future video, tips and tricks we’re sending your way in a podcast and so on, which we’ll be focusing specifically on these challenges and the ways to give you the quickest results to overcome these challenges.

Franziska: Yeah, so I’ll hopefully see you at one of the upcoming workshops or else we’ll see you online.

Christo: The Blast Off Workshop, www.basicbananas.com/blast-off, or check it out on our website.