Basic Bananas Journal 
The latest tips from the Basic Bananas team

In Honour of the Ocean and the Fishermen….
As I‘m writing this we are sitting on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean waiting for fishing boats to come out in celebration of the ocean and protection of the fishermen in a local village festival here in Peniche, Portugal. Hundreds of people...
Hustle and Bustle – First Stop France
Before heading South we went to another music festival in the French part of Switzerland, the Paleo. It‘s one of the biggest music festivals in Europe, or so they say:-). My gorgeous cousin Stefanie joined us which was a lot of fun. Stefanie, like...
Hot Air Ballooning Tricks for Your Business
On Easter Monday I went hot air ballooning for the very first time, what a fun experience! My husband and I got up at 2.30am to drive to the Hunter Valley where we met the ballooning crew before sunrise at 5am. After a safety briefing and drinking...
‘Sometimes I‘ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.‘
A couple of weeks ago I watched Tim Burton‘s new movie Alice in Wonderland and I would like to share some inspiring quotes with you as they apply very much to business and personal life. ‘Sometimes I‘ve believed as many as six impossible things...