Basic Bananas TV

The latest tips from the Basic Bananas team

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Prioritizing Tasks for Business Growth

In this episode of BBTV, Christo shares a business growth tip all the way from Joshua Tree, California! Prioritizing what to do in your business can seem overwhelming at times but Christo shares the steps to categorizing tasks and putting them to...

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How to Optimize Google Listing

How to Optimize Google Listing

Is your business listed with Google? In this episode of BBTV, Christo explains how you can optimize your business by being found on Google by more potential customers. (0:30) Google Maps (1:30) Google my business (1:45) Add your details

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How to Market Yourself Effectively

How to Market Yourself Effectively

In this episode of BBTV, cofounder Christo Hall answers the common question we receive, “What do I say in my marketing?” Christo shares two brilliant ways that you can market yourself without having to talk about yourself!   (0:35) Get people...

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Turning Self-Doubt into Self-Doing!

As business owners we all experience moments of self-doubt and sometimes even envy. In this episode of BBTV, Franziska chats with our USA partner, Sue Izzo, about how you can adjust your mindset and reflect a positive outlook on life and business!...

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The Three Keys to Personalization

The Three Keys to Personalization

We have a very special guest and surprise for you! Sue Izzo joins us all the way from the USA and has come to be our Basic Bananas USA partner! In this episode, Sue gives us three remarkable tips on personalizing future business connections so that...

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Why You Need to Have a Rainy Day Fund!

Why You Need to Have a Rainy Day Fund!

In this episode of BBTV, Franziska Iseli shares a lesson she recently learned from a long-time business owner. This lesson of having a rainy day fund not only can help you when you are down but can help transform your business at its lowest...

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How to Create a Kick-Ass Brand!

How to Create a Kick-Ass Brand!

How will your brand stand out from your competitors? In this episode of BBTV, cofounder Franziska Iseli shares the best thing you can do to create a kick-ass brand that is consistent, engaging and iconic! (0:52) Pick a theme (2:05) Naming products...

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How Owning Prior Thoughts will Expand Your Brand

What are the trigger thoughts in relation to your business? In this episode of BBTV, Christo Hall shares why getting clear on what you want to amplify will help bring your brand to mind! (0:37) Problem (0:40) Want (0:43) Product (0:49) Emotion...

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4  Smart Ways to Increase Your Credibility

4 Smart Ways to Increase Your Credibility

In this episode of BBTV, Fraziska Iseli shares the four smart ways you can gain more credibility in your industry. By gaining more exposure you will be creating more ways to make a lasting positive impact and spreading ripple effects out into the...

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