Basic Bananas TV

The latest tips from the Basic Bananas team

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What Problem Are You Solving?

Fresh off the latest projects at our branding agency, The Business Hood, Franziska talks about the power of rethinking the positioning of your business. Which begs the question, "What problem are you solving?" Highlights: Where to start when it...

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Are Apple and Google Really Listening?

In this episode, Christo attempts to answer one of the lingering questions in our minds, “Are Apple and Google really listening to you?” Highlights: The Earplugs Story 0:17 Facebook and Instagram targeting 1:12 Lookalike audiences 2:12 What Google...

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Five Social Media Myths

Franziska’s back in this myth-busting episode to share five common misconceptions about social media and how to overcome them.  Highlights: Myth #1 You need to use as many social media channels as possible 00:34 Myth #2 Don’t stalk people 1:36 Myth...

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The Different Levels of Success

In this episode, Christo shares some insights around the different levels business owners move through whilst building a business and ultimately, achieving success.  Highlights: Level 1: The “Exciting” Part 0:21 Level 2: The Reality 0:34 Level 3:...

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Are you charging enough?

Are you confident you’re charging enough for what you offer? In this episode, Franziska reveals some split testing results of different pricing and price points.  Find out... to figure out pricing if you’re offering smaller-priced items 3:28...

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What’s your billboard message?

In this episode, Franziska thinks out loud about what message she’d put on a giant billboard, reflecting on how to create a billboard message that truly stands out. Highlights: Always respond with kindness 0:48 Embracing courage 1:48 What does...

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How to reverse the spiral of negative

In this episode, Franziska’s back with a very timely ‘mindset tip’ and shares four ways of how to deal with negative thoughts and how to attract positivity. Highlights: Stopping the negative spiral 1:52 The power of breath 2:07 Noticing good things...

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