Feeling stuck or sluggish at work? In this episode, Christo shares a game-changing tip to help you stay energized and focused throughout the day. Professional athletes know the secret: physical movement activates not just your body, but your brain. By getting your body moving, you can increase circulation, sharpen your mind, and improve productivity. 

Before your next big meeting or task, try a quick 15-minute routine—whether it’s a walk, yoga, or simple stretches. This will wake up your body and mind, helping you think faster, make decisions more easily, and get things done with confidence. 

Keep it going throughout the day by incorporating short bursts of movement, like using a standing desk, weights, or even a balancing board at your workstation. 

Stay sharp, stay active, and watch your productivity soar!

PS: Christo has a new book out! Beyond the Break—check it out for more tips on mastering both business and life.

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Christo: Hi there. Uh, I wanted to share a slightly different tip with you today. So today’s about basically how to be energized and motivated for your work. And one tip, pretty straightforward, which sometimes can be hard to implement when you’re feeling a bit lethargic or a bit, like, flat in work and you feel like you’re just getting stuff done and spinning your wheels.

Um, and the tip is, it’s something I took from professional surfing and preparing for competition. You got to get yourself to kind of a peak state so that your body is warmed up, but not only your body, your brain. M the more that your body’s warmed up, it kind of activates your brain.

So the tip is, get moving. Do some physical movement to activate your brain. So, for example, I just had a podcast interview yesterday. In preparation, 15 minutes before it, I was exercising. It was actually 20 minutes before, and then I had five minutes to, you know, get all set.

So about 20 minutes before, I started to do a 15 minutes routine to warm up my body for an interview where I then actually sit down and I’m just talking. But my brain’s alert. I’m, you know, responsive. The words flow because I’ve woken up the body. I’ve got the circulation going.

Um, so what works for me is to, I do a bit of, um, yoga and some sort of stretching where I’m holding and moving, but continual movement, uh, to kind of get the muscles flowing and get the body working, even a 15 minutes walk to just activate your body.

It’s a good idea to then do this throughout the day, because also what you’ll find is the more you are kind of activated like this, you’ll be less likely to procrastinate. You want to get things done. You move quicker, you make the decisions quicker, the words flow, everything moves and works better for you.

Just like when, um, back in the day I was competing as a surfer. You want to be alert. You know, the right wave comes at the right moment. You’ve got to think quick. And, you know, sometimes thinking and even just acting on instincts, it’s like you’re thinking so quickly, and so you need the same thing.

In business, it’s not that we have to be so pumped up, but just to allow us to get things done. Sometimes you’re procrastinating on. Maybe it’s a sales call or asking a question of another business to promote you or form an alliance, you know, or something you’re holding back on and just getting yourself into this kind of state will actually help you to.

To tick those things off and continue, uh, to move things forward, rather than feel like you’re just plateauing in your business. Um, and then throughout the day, it’s good to do it multiple times. It’s only healthy for you, too, to get a bit of exercise. A little 15 minutes walk here and then go do it again.

In my office, I have a swiss ball. I have weights near my workstation. I have a balancing board. I have a standing desk, dumbbells. Um, lots of things to just keep. Basically walk around and do a quick five minutes or something and then back to the desk. Um, sometimes it looks a bit funny.

Someone walks in and, you know, you’re on the phone doing something. Team members think I’m a bit strange sometimes, but, hey, it’s worth it. That’s my tip for today.