by Basic Bananas | Jan 2, 2017 | Marketing Podcast Episodes
In this episode you will discover… How to prepare for the new year Why having a theme for the year can be very empowering Which areas of life and business to include in your goal-setting activity Here is to creating ripple effects of brilliance for business...
by Basic Bananas | Dec 27, 2016 | Marketing Podcast Episodes
In this Episode of Pick Of The Bunch we learn how to explode your instagram following. We interview instagram expert Steven Alvarez that is getting crazy results. He is getting 200-400 followers a day on Instagram. (Real engaging followers) 4000+ likes on some of his...
by Basic Bananas | Dec 20, 2016 | Marketing Podcast Episodes
Troy Assoignon shares what it takes to build a personal brand that allows you financial freedom. He also shares how to get Mercedes and BMW to fight over each other to give you money, even when they‘ve never heard of you. Links: Exclusive Branding Agency Mass...
by Basic Bananas | Dec 13, 2016 | Marketing Podcast Episodes
In this episode Franziska speaks to Gregory Diehl, the author of Brand Identity Breakthrough on how to become a memorable and irresistible brand for your customers. Play...
by Basic Bananas | Dec 6, 2016 | Marketing Podcast Episodes
In this episode of Pick Of The Bunch we talk with Chandler Bolt, a 5 time best-selling author and the founder & CEO of Self-Publishing School, the #1 online resource for writing your first book. Through his books, training videos, and Self-Publishing School, he‘s...
by Basic Bananas | Nov 29, 2016 | Marketing Podcast Episodes
In this episode, Chris Reed, the only NASDAQ listed CEO with a Mohawk shares the exact strategies you can use to grow your business using Linkedin. Strap on your seatbelt, this is a very fast episode!...