Discover Franziska’s 7-Step Content Creation System, designed for busy business owners who want to efficiently engage their audiences. Franziska has developed a smart system for content creation, ideal for busy business owners who want to consistently engage their audiences in the most efficient and effective way. Here’s a glimpse into her streamlined process that takes less than 2 hours per week to generate content for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

  1. Fuel Up: Start with your favourite drink or snack to boost focus. 
  2. Unplug: Put your phone on airplane mode to avoid interruptions.
  3. Inspiration Board: Use Evernote to collect ideas and observations throughout the week.
  4. Bullet Point Scripts: Write down key points for videos instead of full scripts for a natural feel.
  5. Batch Filming: Film all content in one go, embracing authenticity with one-take videos wherever possible.
  6. Refine Copy: Edit the post content after filming, sometimes with team input.
  7. Final Edits: Hand over the raw videos to a creative expert for editing and polishing. Or use AI.

This system will allow you to consistently produce high-quality content efficiently. 

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Franziska: I wanted to take you through my system to patch the creation of content to be super effective and super productive when it comes to content creation. And I know most business owners don’t really have time to create the amount of content that they should make in order to gain traction with their audiences and in order to reach new audiences.

So I wanted to share with you my seven step system that I use. That will just take me maybe 2 hours per week maximum to create a lot of content for YouTube. This one here is going on YouTube. For different social channels we use also TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

And here’s how I go about creating this content for you, our audiences. Also for our members at basicbananas, there are seven things that I do. Number one is I make a highly, uh, caffeinated drink. This is my personal preference. This one here today

is a, um, green tea latte with coconut oil in it. It’s not that delicious, actually. Normally it’s delicious. And I make that in order for my brain to go into this super focused zone. Number two is I put my phone on aeroplane so that I’m not disturbed for the next 2 hours of creation, of being creative, and to tap into my creativity without being interrupted.

Number three, I go to my inspiration board, which I have on Evernote. So I use a system, a software called Evernote. You can use that for free too. And in there I collect ideas, thoughts, observations that I make throughout the week. As I go throughout life, I always get ideas about things that I can share with you and practical examples of great marketing and not so great marketing.

Number four, I then sit down and I write my scripts for YouTube. So for this video or for longer clips, but also for short reels. And I only ever do bullet points. I don’t write the whole script because I don’t want this to be a super scripted thing. This is just a conversation between you and me.

So I only write bullet points in order for this to be really useful for you. Number five, once I’ve got a few scripts done, a few ideas today, for example, I’ve got four longer clips that I’m shooting and four short reels. I now sit down and I shoot these clips.

I quickly go and, you know, make my hair a little bit nicer, put a little bit of makeup on and make sure I look presentable for you. And uh, now I shoot one after the other. I just don’t stop until they’re all done. And this doesn’t take too long.

I usually do one take because again, I want this to be real and raw. It doesn’t have to be super polished. In my case, I want you to see that I’m not perfect. And number six, once I’ve created all the videos, I now go and refine the copy for each post.

So I now go and edit the copy and make it better. Sometimes I also just send everything to one of our team and I give her the draught and she will then refine the copy and I’ll quickly look and help her with the fairy dust. Number seven is now I send everything, including the raw videos, the files, to Chris on our team, who is our creative genius.

And she now works her magic. She edits the videos, she adds clips, she makes it more engaging. And she also is the one that will refine the copy. And that’s it. That’s the entire system. It doesn’t take too long. I then repeat this again and again. And, um, it’s a very, very fast way and a very efficient way and a very high quality way to create content for your audiences.

I hope this is helpful. If it is, please feel free to share this video with any other business owners that need to hear this. And, um, as always, thank you so much for tuning in.