Christo: Hey there and welcome back. Today I want to share a thinking process around a common question that we‘re asked.
The common question is what are the most important things I need to do to grow my business? We get this kind of thing over and over. As you can imagine, every day.
Now the two main areas that we need to focus on to see really rapid growth and to grow sustainably are the strategies and also the motivation around things and the motivation to actually act on those strategies. It‘s like we need to learn the strategy, learn from people who have applied strategies to those things that you want to achieve. It‘s one of the fastest ways that we‘ll see it ever done. You‘ll just learn from someone who‘s already achieved what you are setting out to achieve or applied what you‘re learning to apply. Learn the strategy but there are then the motivation to do it. The reason I say this is because quite often we‘ll see people, they will learn, learn, learn and almost become addicted to the learning side of it but never actually apply. Or they learn from a mentor and then go looking for the next mentor, the next mentor and the next mentor.
What I want to say to you is stick with that mentor, stick with someone who knows what they‘re doing and apply it, make sure you roll it out. Obviously, you need to choose who you‘re learning from wisely. That‘s why I always say I only want to ever learn from people who have actually done it themselves or if you‘re growing a business to $10 million as you go, you want to be working with someone who‘s clear on that. Or you want to make your social media work in a certain way, you‘d learn from someone who‘s doing it that certain way. I‘m always learning from people who have done it themselves. So that‘s the two areas of strategy and also the motivation to get it done.
On the other hand, so we‘ll say if you learn, learn, learn then it‘s like the end of the motivation to actually put it into action because that‘s when it becomes work, it becomes a little bit of hard work. On the other hand we see people who is super motivated, then they don‘t want to go and kind of invest in learning from someone or invest in learning from people who have already achieved these things. It does take the combination of the two. It‘s the motivation to make it happen and it‘s also the learning from a place.
So be aware if we start, and I think we all go through different phases at different times, like you might go through a phase where you‘re learning, learning, learning and it becomes quite comfortable to just continually learn. On the other hand, we might be thinking I don‘t need to learn from it. I‘ll try and just do it myself, I‘ll do it all myself. Whereas, in that case, we could speed things up and just go and find the person who has already achieved what you‘re setting out to achieve and then apply that.
So just always keeping in mind, how am I growing my strategies at the moment? and how am I maintaining my motivation to make sure it happens? And how am I actually applying it and making it happen and blocking out time to make these things a reality?
I just wanted to discuss this on today‘s episode because it‘s a very common thing that comes up and I‘m sure you guys are in it with this at different periods in your business journey. You‘ve felt these different things where it‘s all motivated but what do I do? Or I‘ve got too much information and not actually applying it. So we need to find balance.
Until next time! Please feel free to send any questions through or any experience you have of obviously experiencing these things as you‘ve gone throughout your journey as well. Any comments, any questions we‘ll be more than happy to help. Once again we have a lot of information over on the “Pick of the Bunch” podcast where we go through exact strategies because sometimes if you‘re feeling like you‘re just not making it happen, jump on something like the “Pick of the Bunch”, the podcast where we tell you exactly the steps to take. So you start applying those things as you start to see results, the motivation tends to come back as well. So until next time. Enjoy! Keep marketing and get out there. Grow the business and always applying the number one thing that‘ll make the biggest impact for you. Until next time. Bye for now!