Owning your brand vocabulary is one of the best ways to stand out and become ‘talkaboutable‘.

A smart brand strategy helps you to differentiate in your industry and attract more loyal followers.

Language is one piece of your branding puzzle! What language can you use in your business that is aligned with your brand identity? Create your own vocabulary!

To get help with your brand strategy, please visit The Business Hood or email [email protected]

Franziska: One thing that I’m super excited about when we work with different companies in our branding agency and the brand consultancy is to figure out how we can own the communication and we can do that by coming up and owning a specific vocabulary for the business. So this is one of the many smartest ways to become more talked about-able and – again – what we want to do and you’ve heard me talk about this is we want to own each touchpoint along the customer journey. And a really smart way to do that is to think about what is your language, what language are you using internally and externally, and how can you own it, how can you own your vocabulary. Let me give you some examples so, in our brand consultancy – The Business Hood, we talk a lot about brand alchemy and we have a methodology that we call “the brand alchemy” and so because of that framework, that model, we also use vocabulary that ties into this theme of alchemy. For example transformation, and transcendence, and elixir, etc., so using languaging that fits into this vocabulary. Or another example that I can give you is we recently did a brand strategy for a venture capital firm and their theme is all about the ocean. So their name even has a title in it, and so what we again came up with is thinking about how can we use vocabulary more that is in line with this name and this concept of the ocean so things such as creating waves, or making ripples, or infinity things that are reflective of their name and their theme of the ocean. And the third example I will give you and then hopefully you can think about this for yourself in your business is a company we are working with, in Saudi Arabia. And for them, their big thing is all about advancing humanity and being innovative. So again for them the vocabulary that they’re using in their marketing pieces in their communication internally with the team and externally has to be all about innovation about, as I said, advancing humanity, about possibilities, etc., so think for yourself what is some language that you could be using that is going to define you and that it’s going to position you more in your space that is going to make you more talkaboutable and that is in line with your brand identity. So I’d love for you to think about that if you want to share some of your languages. Of course, you can do this also. We always love to hear from you. As always, thank you so much for being here, thank you for working on your business, and we will see you next time!