Christo: How do we stay motivated as a business owner, as a business person, as an entrepreneur that loves adventure and new ideas all the time? When you‘re in business, things can get a bit repetitive and you go to jump hurdles and so on. Two parts to business success that we see, the really obvious sections are, you need to know what to do to grow your business, the strategies, and you also need the motivation to actually do it.
Now, when it comes to motivation and motivating humans, we‘re pretty complex beasts, we‘re complex creatures, there‘s a lot of variables. Well, there are a lot of variables. Each person‘s different. Now, but one common thing that we‘ve seen is if we starting to feel down and we‘re feeling overwhelmed and overloaded, and kind of losing motivation, one practice is to practice gratitude in a really simple way.
So, what is simple as maybe on a Friday or maybe it‘s the first thing in the morning even if it‘s just for you, just stating, it could just be two things that you‘re grateful for, or you could say like two things that you are celebrating. If you want to put it that way. This could be like a little win for the week because also at the end of the week, we need to be grateful for the stuff that we haven‘t done because the reality is every single week, every single day, business owners move the goal post.
So, at the end of a week, you‘ve accomplished a lot, but you might think you haven‘t accomplished anything because your focus is on the next to do list, whereas looking ahead and there‘s more and more and more to do. Stuff that you need to do at the end of next week, you might not have been able to see just yet because you got to get through your task list at the moment until you even get to that. So, it can feel overwhelming and we can get to a point where we really lose motivation. It just feels like you‘re never getting ahead. But, if we just look back and go, hey let‘s just celebrate these couple of things that I did today and think about, that was pretty good. Give yourself a pat on the back. It‘s like pouring fuel into yourself.
So, it could be in an evening, a good practice can be to celebrate a couple of things for the day and in the morning what are 3 things or 2 things I‘m grateful for just to put your mindset, focus your mind into the things that are positives and it creates a nice shift within yourself.
I‘ve heard of parents saying you know if they have a kid that‘s coming up complaining, mine is like, okay hold up, I‘ll listen to you but first, you have got to say two things you‘re grateful for or one or two things. The whole persona changes. The whole attitude changes just by practicing gratitude.
So a really cool little tip for you that you can take away. You might not do it every single day but when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, start to think about the things you‘re grateful for and just do it as a little practice so you can create a bit of a routine around that one.
Until next time! Enjoy! Practice gratitude, be grateful. Remember, don‘t forget to celebrate. We‘ll see you on the next episode. Bye for now.