The 3 Audiences You Must Test to Maximise Your Facebook & Instagram Ads Campaigns

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, effectively targeting the right audience can make all the difference in the success of your ad campaigns. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the insights shared by Franziska in her recent video on the best audiences for your business, along with two strategic overlays to optimise your meta ads audience targeting efforts.

Three Best Audiences to Target

A group of people sitting in a room playing drums and clapping their hands, appearing engaged and enthusiastic. The room, similar to an ideal Meta Ads Audience Targeting setting, is brightly lit with white curtains and modern decor.

  1. Custom Audiences Custom Audiences are composed of users who have already interacted with your business in some capacity. These users might have visited your website, engaged with your social media pages, watched your videos, or be part of your CRM list. This audience is highly targeted and ideal for retargeting campaigns. However, if your business is still growing, the size of this audience might be limited.
  2. Lookalike Audiences Leveraging your Custom Audiences, you can create Lookalike Audiences to find new potential customers who share similarities with your existing ones. For instance, you can upload a list of your current customers to Facebook and create a Lookalike Audience based on that data. You can adjust the degree of similarity, from a very close 1% to a broader 10%. This strategy is particularly effective for expanding your reach and acquiring new customers who are likely to be interested in your offerings.
  3. Interest-Based Audiences Interest-Based Audiences are targeted based on users’ interests and activities. You can specify interests such as hobbies (e.g., tennis, golfing, surfing) or even specific publications they read. Understanding your ideal customer’s interests is crucial for this type of targeting. By aligning your ads with their interests, you can engage potential customers more effectively.

Strategic Overlays to Enhance Meta Ads Audience Targeting

  1. Demographic Targeting Demographic targeting allows you to refine your audience based on attributes such as age, gender, occupation, relationship status, and education level. This overlay helps ensure that your ads are shown to the specific segments of the population that are most likely to be interested in your products or services. For example, if your product is geared towards young professionals, you can target users within a certain age range and occupation.
  2. Geographic Targeting Geographic targeting focuses on reaching audiences in specific locations, from broad regions to precise areas. This is particularly essential for local businesses that need to attract customers from their vicinity. Whether you aim to target a whole country or a specific city like Sydney or Melbourne, geographic targeting helps you concentrate your advertising efforts where they matter most.

Meta Ads Audience Targeting: Practical Application and Experimentation

Franziska’s advice emphasises the importance of continuous experimentation with these audience strategies. By testing different combinations of audiences and overlays, you can identify the most effective tactics for your ad campaigns. For instance, a consultancy business found great success with 1% Lookalike Audiences, allowing them to allocate more budget towards these high-performing segments.


Simplifying the complex landscape of meta ads audience targeting is key to achieving optimal results in your ad campaigns. By starting with Custom, Lookalike, and Interest-Based Audiences, and enhancing them with Demographic and Geographic overlays, you can create highly targeted and effective advertising strategies. Keep experimenting, stay informed about your audience, and adjust your tactics to continually improve your campaign performance.

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Meta Ads Audience Targeting Highlights

In her recent session with members of the Clever Bunch, Franziska highlighted the effectiveness of various audience targeting strategies in Meta advertising (Facebook and Instagram). The discussion revealed that for a consultancy business targeting business owners, 1% Lookalike Audiences performed exceptionally well, underscoring the potential of this approach for other businesses.

By breaking down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps, the team at Basic Bananas are dedicated to helping businesses optimise their marketing efforts. Share this post with fellow business owners who could benefit from these insights, and stay tuned for more tips on mastering marketing. Marketing is a skill every business owner must learn.