Having worked with so many business owners over the years, we’ve recognised that there’s a lot of fear when it comes to raising prices for product and service offerings.
If you’re uncertain about raising your prices and feel like you should be charging more than you currently are, then this episode will be gold for you! 

In this episode, you’ll discover…

  • How to raise your prices without running the risk of losing your existing customers. 
  • How to create a high-end perception, so people are willing to pay you more. 
  • How to incrementally increase your prices to make the process seems less scary.

Make sure to also join us at the next Blast-Off Marketing workshop to map out your one-page marketing plan. This is the link to register (no cost!): https://basicbananas.com/virtualsummit
Or apply to join the popular Clever Bunch program to accelerate your business growth. https://www.basicbananas.com/cleverbunch

Happy listening!

Here’s to creating ripple effects of brilliance everywhere we go!
The Basic Bananas Team

raising your prices