Sales Tip Alert! Christo’s back with another useful selling tip for business owners who cringe whenever it’s time to “sell”.
Highlights 0:00 Intro 0:17 “I don’t want to be a salesperson” 0:50 The reason we get annoyed by sales people 1:15 How to become a better salesperson 1:33 A tip for team members
Christo: Hi there! Welcome to Basic Bananas TV. If you are in Sales, which most people are, especially if you’re running your own business and you find that sometimes you feel a little awkward when selling. So it’s like you don’t want to be a salesperson, but you want to generate sales and you need money, you know, in the business; an approach I’ve found that works quite well is to~ this might seem a little woo-woo, a little out there, but what you should do is kind of make your heart present to the person you’re talking to, in a strange way, feel like you’re opening up your heart and you’re radiating warmth to the person you’re talking to. What this will do is make you present to the person and shift to serving the person rather than selling to the person. When we get annoyed by salespeople, it’s usually because the salesperson has their own agenda, like a script that they’re sticking to and they don’t vary off it or they did something with the last customer, it worked really, really well so they’re trying to force the same thing to happen in the same result—but all customers are different. So what you want to be doing is being present, and listening. Be present and listen to the customers to serve them and you’ll actually generate more sales. You become a much better salesperson by being present and listening. And a good way to kind of shift into that mindset is—just feel like you’re opening your heart and you’re radiating warmth to the person and you’re present for the person because you actually are there to serve them and this will work well for you if you’re in that sort of sales setting, or if you have team members that they get to the point of asking for a sale and they get all awkward and clunky because they don’t want to be the cheesy salesperson, this is a really good tip to share with them as well. Feel free to share it with your team, colleagues, friends, anyone out there. If you’ve got any questions, further questions about sales just get in touch with the team here at