In this episode, Franziska breaks down the best audiences for Facebook and Instagram Advertising. Find out where to look and how to make the most of it! 🎯

Three best audiences and two strategic overlays:

  1. Custom Audiences: Target users who have already interacted with your business. Great for retargeting, but might not be big enough for your business yet. 💡
  2. Lookalike Audiences: Use custom audiences to find new people similar to your existing customers. Ideal for reaching new potential customers. 🔍
  3. Interest-Based Audiences: Target based on users’ interests and activities. Requires understanding your ideal customer’s interests. 🏄‍♂️

Overlay with:

  • Demographic Targeting: Target by age, gender, occupation, etc., to reach specific consumer segments. 👨‍💻
  • Geographic Targeting: Target by location, from broad regions to precise areas, essential for local businesses.📍

Keep experimenting with these audience strategies to optimise your ad campaigns and achieve the best results possible. 🔥

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Franziska: I’ve just finished an advisory board session here with our members of the Clever Bunch. And I was reviewing one of our members Meta advertising, Facebook and Instagram. And in particular, we were looking into their audiences, into their targeting, and figuring out which audience is getting them the best results. And for this particular business, it’s a consultancy, they’re targeting business owners. And we have found that the 1% lookalike audiences are performing the best. And this is really good information for them to know and for you to know about your business, because then you can put more money behind those audiences to get better results. Now, I want to quickly break down the targeting in Meta advertising, but you can use this on various platforms. And I want to make it super simple and start with three audiences, first that you can test, and then overlay those with two more. Now, the first audience is a custom audience that you want to test. So they may have come to your website, maybe they’ve engaged with your Facebook page or your Instagram page, maybe they’ve watched some of your videos. Maybe you even have a customer list from your CRM that you can upload. That’s a custom audience. And that’s obviously very, very targeted. Now, some businesses don’t have a big enough audience to just focus on that. And that’s where the second type of audience comes in super handy, the one that I mentioned for this consultancy. And that is lookalike audiences. So, custom audiences first. Now, from your custom audience, you build your lookalike audiences. And lookalike audiences are exactly what the name says. So you may upload, say, for example, your database, your entire database. Let’s say you have 10,000 people, you upload them, and these are great people. Because they’ve either bought from you or are prospects, they’ve shown interest. Now, you tell Facebook that you want. To create a lookalike audience of this. Very cool audience that you already have. So that you can target them and you can choose how lookalike you want them to be, 1% lookalike, which is. Very, very lookalike, or 10% lookalike, which means a bit broader. And Facebook then creates these lookalike audiences that you can target. We use this function really successfully across multiple businesses. So definitely try to lookalike audience. The third one is interest based audiences. Interest based audiences are, as the name also suggests, So you can choose, type in anything in there, you can say you want to have people who are interested in tennis or who are interested maybe they have a hobby, golfing or anything, surfing. They’re interested in specific magazines, reading, anything. You can type it in there and it will have a drop down for you. And that can work really well, too. Interest based audiences, even people that are interested in business, whatever your audience is, and that is why it’s so important for you to understand your audiences. I can’t stress this enough. We’ll talk about that in another video. Now, stay still. Keeping it simple, let’s overlay. There’s two more audiences that you can use that you can overlay. On top of the first three, the custom lookalike and interest based audiences. You can now overlay those with one your demographic targeting. And I would always do that. Demographic targeting is gender. So you might say, I only want to target men or only women or their occupation or their age. You definitely want to pick an age if you know what your ideal audience is or their relationship status or their education, level of education. So you can overlay one of your audiences with your demographic targeting. Second overlay that I like to do is geographic. So first, demographic, age, gender, etcetera. Second one is now geographic. So where are your ideal audiences located? Do you want to target all of Australia or all of the world us or a specific area? Do you want to target San Diego or Seattle? Where do you want to target people? Geographically, really important for most businesses to start somewhere. And usually the best place to start is where you’re located and not going to a huge, huge market unless you have a huge, huge budget. That’s it. I hope this is super helpful and just clarifies things, keeps it super simple. I know there’s a lot of information out there that is just a bit confusing for people. So just breaking it down into very simple to understand ways is what we’re passionate about here at basic banana. So hopefully this is helpful. If it is, feel free to share this with a business owner, friend, anyone who can use this information. Thanks again for tuning in, and I’ll see you next time.