Relying on only one marketing channel can be risky business! The most important question to diversify your marketing is: what other channels can you explore to reduce that risk? If that one marketing strategy doesn’t work anymore, the business is going to have a really tough time attracting new customers, which can be scary!

In this episode, Franziska shares one of the most important questions every business owner should ask themselves to choose the right marketing channels to attract a constant flow of customers.

The one question you need to ask yourself to diversify your marketing [0:52]
What is the best social media channel to use [1:23]
What being ‘everywhere‘ means [2:18]

So, did you ask yourselves the most important question? Share your answers with us  

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Franziska: Hi and welcome back! I just finished a Clever Bunch session here at our headquarters and one of the things that we were looking at is how to build an entire marketing machine, so how to not rely on just one channel and because that is too risky because if that one channel doesn’t work anymore your business often has these ups and downs where it feels a little bit like a roller coaster where sometimes you have enough clients or customers and then sometimes, not so much and it can be stressful so we want to avoid this and we can avoid this by using more than one marketing channel and so there’s one main question it’s a very simple question it’s the most powerful question to ask yourself when it comes to choosing the right marketing channel and that question is: Where are your customers or clients? Where are your customers hanging out? And that is where you want to be. So you can then look at~you ask yourself that question, you can look at: Where are my customers? What tools do they use? What magazines do they read? What podcasts do they listen to? Where do they shop other than in my business? And then you want to use a combination of both online strategies and offline strategies. So you might look at Social Media and you might wonder well but which social media channel should I use? And the answer is, it depends on where your customer is hanging out. If they are on Facebook, you want to be on Facebook; if they’re on Instagram or Pinterest, that’s where you want to be and also when you answer this question, think a little bit bigger and don’t just limit yourself to the more traditional channels but also do include things like podcasts. What do your audience listen to? Also, what blogs do they read? Maybe you can be featured on those blogs or you can maybe write for those blogs. So think a little bit bigger than the more traditional way and then make a whole list of places where you could potentially advertise your business and where you can be present with your business and of course the whole purpose is to be everywhere where your customers are and you want your customers to say you are everywhere but you’re not everywhere you’re only where your customers are. So ask yourself that one question: Where are your customers? Where are they hanging out? And then build your marketing machine from that question. I hope this is helpful. If it is, please feel free to share this video with any other business mates that you have and as always, thank you so much for being here. If you have any specific questions, feel free to comment below the video and we will definitely help you out. If you would love to apply for the Clever Bunch program, just go to and you will find out how to apply for the program there and I’ll see you either here or online, apologies or in person hopefully soon when we can do that again and again, thanks for being here, thanks for tuning in. Bye for now!