Stuck on content ideas for your website? If you‘re in need of a simple and easy way to generate interesting and engaging content for your business, this video tip is for you!

In this Basic Bananas TV episode, Christo shares a simple process to continuously come up with unique content ideas for your blog, newsletter, podcast and even social media.

Episode highlights:
[0:51]   The Content Idea Generator
[1:06]   How to Use The Content Idea Generator
[3:02]   The Importance of Using Different Writing Styles  

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Christo: Hey there! Welcome back to Basic Bananas TV! In this video tip, I’m going to share with you how to create different content for your website. Um, basically a process to make it easy to come up with different content. So if you create things like articles for your website, you know once a month or once every two weeks, or even weekly, one of the hardest things which you’ll be aware of is coming up with new content ideas over and over and over and over. Or, you might do video tips on your website, like a video tip like this and coming up with different content or you might have a podcast anything where you’ve got to create this new content over and over and over again this is what we call The Content Idea Generator this is something that’s a part of our Clever Bunch Program just one of hundreds of templates we have in the program that we share with our members which I’m going to give you a little uh preview on today and how to use it. What you do with this is you come up with the topics. So let’s say your topic was health like weight loss let’s just use an example like weight loss everyone would understand so weight loss what we could have then is it might be weight loss and then there might be another one on posture let’s say you know posture and back pain now what let’s say back pain actually let’s do weight loss and back pain just so it’s really clear. So, we’ve got two ideas. Now usually what would happen with that is you’ve got two different articles you write them and you’re done. And then you need to come up with new content. What we do with this is we write the ideas, and then we come up with different styles of writing. It could be different styles of delivery through video or podcast of course but we call them writing styles where you do a how-to. So you might do a how-to on weight loss five steps to weight loss and then you might do a how to set up your office space to reduce back pain so you’ve got two different content ideas then what we can do is we can come back to the same topic which is weight loss but we can simply just go to a different writing style like we might go to news here’s the latest in uh news when it comes to you know back pain and updates here’s a review of uh sorry of weight loss um it would be back pain over here uh here’s a review of some weight loss diet or products or something here’s a case study of a customer who we worked with weight loss you get the idea so we might come back and go here’s a review of a weight loss product and then we’ll come over here and do a case study on someone who helped relieve their back pain and set up their office space then we might go next week we’ll do this product latest news sorry of a back pain product you get the idea and then we might do a question and answer where we’ll interview someone on weight loss so suddenly by mixing it up we’ve got q a we’ve got mistakes we’ve got myth busting we’ve got an interview we’ve got a story we’ve got steps we’ve got a day in the life so basically using different writing styles it’s like we can come up with so much different content that is completely unique even though we only had two topic ideas in the first place through the delivery we can make it unique and completely like unique different content for each piece so you come up with a few different ideas and then you can mix it up in terms of delivery. And you can create a lot of unique content by using this awesome tool that we call The Content Idea Generator. I know this will be super useful and you’ll probably make life a lot easier for you if you do implement this and start using it if you are creating regular content that is of course and yeah if you know anyone else who would benefit from knowing this process that I’ve just shared with you please go ahead and share with anyone you like that’s why we create these tips make life easier for another business owner by sharing this with them or another marketer who does create content or someone who creates content for you to make life easier on them and of course, if anything else, get in touch with the team at We’re more than happy to help, if you love our tips and things we share please go ahead, maybe leave us a review on Google reviews. If you search Basic Bananas on the map, you can leave us a Google review there. Or check out the Marketing Blast Off Workshop it’s a free session that we’re running online at the moment it’s jam-packed full of like marketing gold and uh it’s a nice short online session it’s totally free to run a 100 live so they’re interacting you can ask your questions and things it’s called the marketing blast off workshop check it out on you’ll find the link to it the marketing blast off workshop you can click and register and we’ll see you online! Bye for now