As business owners we all experience moments of self-doubt and sometimes even envy. In this episode of BBTV, Franziska chats with our USA partner, Sue Izzo, about how you can adjust your mindset and reflect a positive outlook on life and business!

(1:23) Examine thoughts

(1:41) Fact or thought

(2:25) Focus on you

(2:52) Doubt to action

(3:00) Self-compassion

Franziska Iseli: Hi and welcome back!

I am so honoured to be here today with Sue Izzo all the way from the USA.

Sue Izzo: Hi, everyone!

Franziska Iseli: Sue is our partner in the U.S. and she is full of knowledge, wisdom, gold nuggets. The whole time she is here at the headquarters hanging out with our team here and everyone is learning from her. Our members are in love with Sue and so I said let‘s pull her aside and ask her some juicy questions. One of the things that I thought she could share with you is something about mindset and when you have these moments of self-doubt. So, do you want to share about your experience?

Sue Izzo: Absolutely. I think as entrepreneurs and people that are building businesses, it‘s inevitable that self-doubt creeps in and sometimes even envy. Well, we see some of our competitors exceeding, happy, being super successful, accomplishing things that we have yet to do.

Franziska Iseli: Sometimes, maybe it just looks like that because of “social media and etc.?”

Sue Izzo: Absolutely. These people are leaving “perfect lives”. But, you know no one‘s life is perfect. So what I tend to ask people to do is examine the fault that they‘re having. When you get to that place when you‘re saying, “I‘m a failure” or I‘m never going to hit my sales goals” and you really start putting these generalizations over yourself, I ask folks to examine that and try to figure out, is that really a hard truth? Is that a fact or is that just a thought? Because as we know, thoughts come and go. We have to identify our thoughts and look at them and say, “okay, it‘s a thought. How is this thought serving me?” and “how do I move forward from that thought?”

So I tend to say, okay, let‘s allow for your envy and doubt to seep in. Well, let‘s then turn that into a self-improvement method. So with that, let‘s identify what are the 3 things that you have accomplished? It could be anything. It doesn‘t have to be grand things. It could be little things. That‘s just a little exercise to work towards your confidence. Another thing is, things has a way better sales team or sales record. Well, write down 3 things that you can do towards moving towards better sales or maybe 3 different resources that you haven‘t examined yet but you can learn more from to then apply to your use.

Franziska Iseli: Survival and just being envious about something. Rather than feeling this negative emotion, maybe how can I do something about what I currently have to go towards the goal rather than compare.

Sue Izzo: Absolutely. We have to move from that moment of doubt to a moment of action. I think one thing that‘s really is important in this process that I don‘t think that is taught is self-compassion. I think as business owners and entrepreneurs we are very hard on ourselves. We put a lot of pressure on this excessants. What I find is that self-compassion and giving yourself that power back every now and then and reminding yourself, “hey, you‘ve gotten to this point where you‘re not before.” Also, too, there are already people that are more successful than you in that moment and then there‘s a lot of people that are less successful than you. So don‘t be so hard on yourself.

Franziska Iseli: I think we should go and compassion ourselves to some red wine, right now. Don‘t you think?

Sue Izzo: I agree.

Franziska Iseli: A little power back. We‘ve had a big week. We‘ve had an amazing week of getting a lot of load for productivity. So we‘re going to compassion ourselves into some red wine right now. Maybe you want to join us, too. If you know anyone who needs to hear this message, please make sure you share this video. The more we can share ripple effects and create more impact around the globe, the happier we get. So thanks so much for watching and thank you for being here.

Sue Izzo: Thank you for having me.

Franziska Iseli: See you next time. Bye.