Just as the seasons fluctuate, so does our motivation! In this episode of BBTV, Christo Hall shares why having our motivation peaking at the right time can lead us to ultimate productivity with zero burnout.

(0:40) Realize different times

(1:15) Specific time of day

(2:00) Withdrawal to recharge

(2:10) In time & out time

Christo: Hey there and welcome back.

In today‘s video tip, I want to share some lessons I‘ve learned throughout the life of professional surfing.

One of the lessons is around the seasons to our motivation. So how we can keep our motivation up and have our motivation peaking at the right times because no one has a continual, exact, even level of motivation, you know. What we need to recognize is there are certain times when we‘re feeling really motivated and there are certain times when we need to pull back and reset and refresh.

So for example in surfing competitions, there would be times you would have to compete and it might be a very intense week where we‘re competing every single day and then the next week will come around and there‘s another event which is starting up. So rather than say they might finish the event on a Sunday, on a Monday, pull back. Completely withdraw from even, maybe not even go for a surf at all to try and get the motivation to peak again.

Now, how would this relate to business? Well, we can‘t burn bright every single day. There‘s got to be times where we recognize there are seasons to our motivation every single day. There are even seasons to our motivation within the day. There‘s where we‘re certain for each individual where you‘re be more might be a morning person, you need to recognize that‘s time for productivity and then maybe the afternoon‘s time for management and emails and things like that where it doesn‘t require as much motivation.

Now, what you could do to withdraw is to sometimes recognize it‘s okay to pull back or just have a weekend where you don‘t touch the computer at all, you don‘t do any work-related activities, whatsoever. Even if it‘s just a Sunday, just keep your Sunday clear because you come back far and more on a Monday. Because I know for a lot of business owners and I‘m sure for a lot of you, it‘s at different periods of time in your business journey, you‘re probably working every single day. And when you‘re not working, you‘re thinking about work the whole time. So we do need to withdraw to kind of recharge and then push again.

Some people, another way they like to recharge, is think about, the way I like to word it is we have “in time and out time”. So, out time is where we‘re always fixing things, managing things, getting back to people, looking after things, improving business, responding, putting content out there. It‘s always pushing things out of your head, basically. It‘s good to reset sometimes, maybe block out even an hour here and there where you sit down and you read a book. Recognize that this is time for putting things back in. If we‘re always putting out, you get to the levels of burn out, you get withdrawn, you get fatigued and so on.

So I‘d love to hear if you‘ve got some other tips on motivation. You might drink 15 cups of coffee maybe if that does it for you. But you might not be sustainable forevermore. So remember, some days we need to let that recharge.

So, yes, share any tips. We‘d love to hear from you. Also, keep an eye on the “Pick of the Bunch” podcast. If you haven‘t listened to the podcast already, we‘ve got a lot of really cool business and marketing tips coming out. We‘ve just been recording like crazy and it‘s on the podcast app on any of your devices. Search for “Pick of the Bunch” by Basic Bananas. I would love to hear any thoughts or comments or insights or anything for future tips you‘d like to hear from us. Feel free to send through any questions and of course, we‘d look after you. Bye for now.