As an entrepreneur and business owner it is very handy to have a brain that is conditioned to constantly be coming up with new ideas! In this episode of BBTV, you will learn the best brain state to be in to generate new ideas to help you discover better solutions, solve problems and so much more!

(0:50) Different brain waves

(1:35) Relaxed state of mind

(2:36) Make it a habit

Franziska: Hi and welcome back. My name is Franziska Iseli and I‘m one of the founders here at Basic Bananas.

Today, I wanted to share something with you. We recently spoke at an event, at Vivid here in Sydney. Our talk there was all about how you can become an idea machine. Of course, as a business owner or entrepreneur, it‘s very handy to have a brain that is conditioned to constantly coming up with new ideas. So we shared different strategies and tips that we use here at Basic Bananas. I wanted to share something with you that I find really interesting.

So we have 4 different brain waves. Depending on what activity we are doing, we get into a different state of these brain waves. Some of these are really conducive to helping us come up with more ideas.

Now, the beta brain waves are the ones when we‘re really active, when we‘re doing things consciously. That‘s the state that is less relaxed.

Then the next one are the alpha brain waves. We usually get into a state of alpha when we‘re more relaxed. So that might be when we‘re meditating or just thinking or just slowing down. That is already a better state to be in to generate ideas.

The next one down is the theta brain waves. It is even more relaxed. So that‘s even slower brain waves. This is the perfect state to come up with ideas, to generate ideas. We usually get into this state when we‘re even more relaxed and when we do something that we don‘t have to think about anymore. It could be driving a car when the road is super straight and we just drive and it‘s unconscious. Hopefully, you‘re not unconscious but unconsciously competent. Also, for example, for some people it‘s walking outside or walking.. being outdoors in nature. For someone else, it might be gardening, for someone else it might be cooking. For me personally, I get into that state and I come up with ideas automatically when I‘m sitting in the ocean, so when I‘m surfing or just swimming or being in the ocean or near the ocean. So it‘s really good for you to find out how you can get into that really relaxed state in your brain, how you can be so relaxed that you open up opportunities to just to just come up with ideas all the time.

Now, of course, being able to come up with ideas helps you coming up with better solutions for your company, solving problems but also coming up with really good marketing ideas. It‘s good to get into the habit of just stopping sometimes and taking some time to think and to generate ideas.

I, also, besides sitting in the ocean and thinking, I, also, sometimes when I jump on a plane, which I do quite frequently, I spend maybe half an hour just thinking. I don‘t open my laptop, I don‘t start reading a book, I just sit there and I start thinking. I start to use my brain to just solve issues. It could be issues that we have but even so other people‘s issues. Sometimes, I make something up, a scenario, and I just come up with ideas to train my brain.

So, I thought this is really interesting information. Maybe you can use this also in your business or maybe you know someone who can use this information.

Thanks so much for watching. Here‘s to trading ripple effects everywhere we go.